Alternative Veterinay Medicine: "
TCVM has been used to treat animals in China for thousand of years. TCVM was developed by trial and error in order to understand domestic animal diseases. This process began in the pre-historic times to the present day while continuing to grow with the incorporation of new information through the generations, similar to Conventional Western Medicine. Chinese Medicine, or Eastern Medicine, believes in balance and energy, and practitioners recognize animal diseases as an imbalance in the body. The body is an integrated, energetic structure and a disturbance of energy flow creates disease processes in the entire organism. When a disease pattern is identified, TCVM can restore balance and health by helping the body regulate itself. Diagnostic tests of TCVM include pulse palpation, tongue evaluation, specific acupuncture point palpation, and history. The aspects of TCVM include: Yin and Yang, Meridians, Qi, Zang-Fu Organs, and Five Elements.
Yin and Yang is symbolized by the above Tai diagram. This symbolizes harmony in the universe. The circle represents the universe and is equally divided into Yin (black and female) and Yang (white and male). They are continuously merged since a small circle of Yin is within Yang and vice versa. The Yin descends to nourish Yang, and Yang rises to support Yin. Yin and Yang compose and divide all things yet they cycle unceasingly in the state of eternal transformation.
The Meridians are pathways by which Qi and Blood circulate throughout the body. The pathways are not physically visible. However, they unify all parts of the organism, connecting the internal organs with the external body, thus maintaining harmony and equilibrium. Along each meridian, there are special points called acupuncture points. These specific points are used as acupuncture diagnostic points and treatments for diseases.
The Qi is the force or energy that controls the harmony in any living body. Qi has been referred to as the vital force or life energy that activates and maintains the life process. Most of the Qi can be replenished from proper nutrition, regular exercise, and the environment. Certain types of Qi cannot be replenished since they are only formed during conception. TCVM manipulates and regulates Qi flow through the Meridian channels.
The Zang-Fu Organs are the internal organs that are Yin or Yang. An animal’s health depends upon the function of these organs. The Fu, or Yang, organs are hollow organs of the body. Fu organs function to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste products. The Fu organs are the stomach, small intestines, large intestine, gall bladder, bladder, and triple heater. The Zang, or Yin, organs are solid organs of the body. Zang organs process the absorbed nutritive substances and store the metabolic products. The Zang organs are the liver, spleen, kidney, heart, lung, and pericardium. Each of the Zang-Fu organs is represented by the Meridian system on the external portion of the body.
The five elements involved in TCVM are the elements of the natural world. The elements are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. The Zang-Fu organs are categorized by these, and therefore, the elements describe the nature of the Zang-Fu organs with their inter-relationship between the body and the natural world. The five element theory helps veterinarians in the clinical diagnosis of disease and disease treatments.
TCVM veterinarians help regulate the balance of the body by influencing the Yin and Yang, the Qi, the Meridians, and the Zang-Fu organs of the body. First, this is accomplished by performing acupuncture on a weekly basis for 6-8 weeks, then gradually decreasing the frequency to the most effective level. A second method of regulating the body balance is by herb therapy. Herbs should be given in combination with acupuncture treatments and not alone and should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. A third method of regulating the body’s balance is by food therapy. Different foods contain certain properties that will help the body heal and prevent diseases. However, food therapy for veterinary patients should be explored with caution. Veterinarians should perform acupuncture treatments and prescribe herbal and food therapies for veterinary patients. All animals can benefit from TCVM treatments, and I believe that an integrative approach of incorporating Western and Eastern Medicine will have maximum benefits for the patient.
Schoen, A. (2001). Veterinary Acupuncture: Ancient Art to Modern Medicine (2nd ed.). Missouri: Mosby, Inc.
Schwartz, C. (1996). Four Paws Five Directions: A Guide to Chinese Medicine for Cats and Dogs. California: Celestial Arts Publishing.
Xie, H & Preast, V. (2002). Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine: Volume 1 Fundamental Principles. Florida: Jing Tang.
Xie, H & Preast V. (2007). Xie’s Veterinary Acupuncture. Iowa: Blackwell Publishing.
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